
RKestates is a prominent company specializing in commercial real estate services. With a strong presence in the industry, rkestates offers a wide range of services and expertise tailored to the needs of commercial clients.

Location Sanjeev Reddy Nagar, Ameerpet
Area(in Sq Yds) 300
Dimension -
Built up(in SFT) 5,700
Facing -
Rate (Rs. in Lacs) Only for Lease

R.K. Estates is a powerful company that builds immense value into infrastructure projects like steel plants, roads, bridges, industrial and commercial buildings, etc. The company has built up a strong reputation for reliability, economy and quality of works and has successfully implemented several important infrastructure projects of more than a million sft- It has accomplished this by fusing engineering knowledge with pioneering skills, harnessing men and materials to the best possible use. The work force proved their competence and progress under efficient company management and more than qualified to takeup further projects of the kind. It has aspirations to get into constructing Hotels, Hospitals, and Malls etc. We strongly believe in contributing towards the betterment of society and endeavor to create a positive impact